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Why let capital (or lack of) stop great ideas?

Discover the ins and outs of stimulus money, ARRA tax incentives, grants, level billing, amortization. Find volunteers and interns. Tap into new ways to find and raise funds.

In the era of shrinking budgets, share ideas to get the job done!


Gutting The House? You May Qualify For NYSERDA Funding

Dreaming of a new home that produces more energy than it consumes? Wondering if you could rehabilitate an old home to be totally energy efficient? Cost holding you back? Check out New York State Energy Research and Development Authority’s (NYSERDA) Low-rise Residential New Construction Programs (Programs)…

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Announcing Green Guru Media

Green Guru Network announces its new media arm, Green Guru Media, to help grow your green business communications. We’re bringing clients top rate talent in the areas of Newsmaking Communications, Public Relations, Online Marketing & Social Media.

With targeted experience in Sustainable Government and Sustainability…

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Scholarships Available for CT NOFA: A Summer Gathering

CT NOFA is holding A Summer Gathering: Growing Food, Farms and Community in Morris, CT on Saturday, July 19.

A generous donor has made scholarships available for students, interns, etc. interested in food systems work/careers to attend at no cost…

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Apply for the Abbey Duncan Brownfield Scholarship Program

The Partnership is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the 2014-2015 Abbey Duncan Brownfield Scholarship Program. As you may know, the program was initiated to support students pursuing education in brownfield-related fields and was named in honor of Abbey Duncan, an avid environmentalist…

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4 Last Minute Ways to Give Back (Hint: No Cash Involved.)

The last week of the year is a great time to relax, review, and rejuvenate. It’s also a unique time be a part of the joys of giving.  Looking for opportunities to contribute in a meaningful way this holiday season? There are many highly effective green non-profit groups in the Hudson Valley offering hands on opportunities to be of service…

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Green Guru Network Holiday Mug Awards

You asked!  We listened We’ve extended our Holiday Mug awards!  Nominate a green business, non-profit, or leader. Tell us in 500 words or less what makes their work important and register to win Green Guru Network Holiday Breakfast Baskets with Hudson Valley locally roasted coffee, GGN mugs, local half and half…

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Funding Emerging for Stone Ridge Orchard

We are pleased to announce that Equity Trust, Scenic Hudson and the Open Space Institute have all provisionally agreed to provide various levels of funding and support for the acquisition and long term conservation of Stone Ridge Orchard. We are still…

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Hurry For Funding From EPA’s Construction Rebate Program

Dear Clean Diesel Stakeholder,

EPA’s Construction Rebate Program has opened!  Please see the following links for info about the construction rebate program. The application period will be open…

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Climate Smart Resiliency Planning Tool Now Available

Municipalities develop many plans to guide land use, emergency response, floodplain management, hazard mitigation, etc. The Climate Smart Communities program has released a new tool, Climate Smart Resiliency Planning, to help local planners and officials assess how…

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Request for Proposals for Nyack

Very exciting opportunity:

The New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s (NYS DEC) Hudson River Estuary Program, in partnership with the NYS DEC Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve…

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Apply For Urban Forestry Projects Funding


New York State DEC is now accepting applications for Urban Forestry Project Grant Funding. They are looking to Add and Enhance Green Space In Cities…

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