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How to Mulch Your Leaves on the Lawn
The Village of Irvington’s Green Policy Task force and the Greenburgh Nature Center are led the way with the “Love Em and Leave Em” leaf mulching initiative. Now New Rochelle, Yonkers, Bronxville and Scarsdale are on board. You can spend more time having fun and less time raking leaves. Check out their great short videos…

New Director of Education at Hilltop Hanover Farm
The Friends of Hilltop Hanover Farm is pleased to announce the hiring of Carol Lake as the new Director of Education at Hilltop Hanover Farm. Most recently working as a sustainable agriculture consultant in Fairfield and Westchester Counties, Carol founded and was the executive director of two educational farms in NH. In the environmental education…

New York State Camping Discount. Get Out There and Relax!
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced details of the Early Summer Camping Special for 112 state campgrounds across New York on Wednesday. The discount helps kick off the summer season for families looking for affordable getaways and coincides with the state’s broader outdoor tourism promotions highlighted earlier this month at the Governor’s Tourism Summit. “New York…

Weekend Warnings in the ADKs
If you are planning to recreate in the Adirondacks this Memorial Day Weekend, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation asks you to please remember the following: FIRE DANGER: Low. Campfires are prohibited in the Eastern High Peaks Wilderness. HIGH USAGE LEVELS: Visitors to the Eastern High Peaks Wilderness should be aware that trailhead parking…

Eat This Plant.
Spring in the Catskills beings an incredible array of wildflowers, wildlife and the first trickle of visitors. This year is your opportunity for locals and visitors alike to favor the beauty, and biodiversity of these Mountains by being leaders in “Good for the Woods” foraging. Hurricane Irene moved thousands of tons of soil and organic…

Mowing? Not In My Backyard
Mowing your lawn for half an hour puts out more emissions than driving a late model car 1000 miles! Now imagine pushing that late model car from here to say Montréal and back and breathing in 1000 miles worth of fumes! Use of lawn pesticides have quadrupled since Rachel Carlson wrote Silent Spring. Use of…

DEC to Conduct Controlled Burn in Bog Brook Unique Area
New York State DEC will conduct a controlled burn at Bog Brook Unique Area, located in the towns of Southeast and Patterson in Putnam County. The prescribed fire will involve 14.5 acres and is tentatively scheduled for April 10 or 11, depending on weather conditions. The burn will continue DEC’s efforts to restore the Area’s unique native…

Make Maple Candy in the Snow Today
Climate change means weird weather. Thanks to this winter’s snow storms we have a unique culinary opportunity. On the Ides of March we can enjoy a unique Hudson Valley, cold weather, traditional craft-treat, Maple Candy. At the end of this long cold winter trees have begun to push sap from the roots out to their…

Stoneledge Organic CSA Share Now Open to New Members
Dreaming of eggplant and signing up for a CSA share now. Stoneledge Farm’s CSA is now open for new members. Rye, Hastings on Hudson, White Plains, Wilton, Grab a share while you can. Here’s the announcement letter from Deborah: Winter 2014 Good Afternoon What a winter. Really cold winter temperatures followed by days of snow…

Irvington Storefront
We recently Interviewed Ruth Katz and John Duvall two building owners in Irvington, New York about their choice to pass on offers from great businesses to rent their Main Street storefront. They’re holding out for something more. More than an immediate income stream they are holding out for a community asset. They are looking for the triple bottom…

Compost on Your Way to Work!
Composting just got a little easier with the opening of Commuter Composting Sites. BIG!Compost, a program of Build It Green! NYC, has opened 18 composting sites in Brooklyn and Queens. Three sites have convenient morning hours (some open as early as 8am), so folks can easily drop off their food scraps as they start their…