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Lea is perhaps most widely-known for pioneering green social media in Westchester County in creating Green Guru Network : Helping people build Green Empires since 2009.
Behind the scenes, she develops municipal and regional climate action plans, spearheads large scale biofuel and environmentally preferred procurement programs, and consults for recycling and waste reduction projects, energy efficiency policy and local agriculture systems for governments, non-profits and private entities. She’s served as the Sustainability Coordinator for The County of Westchester.
She also writes a mean grant application and has brought in hundreds of thousands of dollars for projects across the Hudson Valley.
She was recently named one of Westchester County’s most influential women by 914INC magazine in 2012.
Lea is excited to further her reach by offering her services as Media Director of Green Guru Media Group as an avid proponent of sustainable issues over the past 30 years.