Why go with the flow when you can curb rising waters and conserve water resources?
Communities: invest in flood planning, drought plans, education, water reuse and recyling. Start a flood task force, plan for extreme weather.
Government and Businesses: create new connections with diverse stakeholders.
Everyone: work together to strengthen river or coastal communities in the face of a climate change. Share water-saving tips for home and garden, too. Every drop of info helps!

Bottle Water A Brief History
San Francisco Baned bottled water and led the way to the end of one of the biggest marketing scams ever invented. With a few notable exceptions (like places where fracking is allowed) water in the United States is high quality and safe to drink. We in the Hudson Valley and Capitol District are especially blessed…

Funding for Your New Septic in the NYC Watershed
From our friends at the Catskill Watershed Corp: MARGARETVILLE, N.Y. For many folks, when you flush, shower or empty the kitchen sink, your worries about wastewater are over. Out of sight, out of mind. It either goes under the backyard, or into a municipal treatment system, where it become’s somebody else’s problem. But in the New York…

Hudson River Almanac: July 10 – 16, 2014
Compiled by Tom Lake, Hudson River Estuary Program Naturalist OVERVIEW Following the dire reports of no monarch butterfly sightings earlier this season, it was heartening to hear of what may be a resurgence, or just a tardy arrival. The American avocet continued its journey down the river, sighted in three more locations. The Hudson Valley’s immature eagles and ospreys advanced their…

Hudson River Almanac May 22 – 28, 2014
May 22 – 28, 2014 Compiled by Tom Lake, Hudson River Estuary Program Naturalist OVERVIEW We began to settle into a late-spring sampling of entries of flora and fauna in equal measure. The occasionally severe spring weather dropped a tornado in Schenectady County while a milder natural phenomenon showered the beach in Beacon in a…

Hudson River Almanac May 15 – 21 2014
Compiled by Tom Lake, Hudson River Estuary Program Naturalist OVERVIEW The spring spawning run of river herring (and by association, American shad) continued. Bald eagle nests (minimally two dozen) along the watershed were busy with eaglets that were feathering out and growing larger day-by day, appetites included. The impressive spring northern migration of brant, tens…

Public Invited to Comment on Scope of Environmental Assessment for Proposed Turbidity Control in Water Diverted From Ashokan Reservoir
Residents and environmentalists in the Hudson Valley have been concerned about turbidity in various water bodies ranging from the Ashokan to the Kensico Reservoirs. The DEC is putting together a draft scope of the Environmental Impact Statement for these water bodies and they want your input. From the DEC’s office: Comments are now being accepted…

Hudson River Almanac March 1 – 6, 2014
Compiled by Tom Lake, Hudson River Estuary Program Naturalist OVERVIEW Ice boating was back on the Hudson River this week as a result of our extremely cold and snowy winter, and the efforts of experienced and energetic ice boaters. HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK 3/6 – Astor Point, HRM 97: In mid-afternoon we were sailing my…

Hudson River Almanac December 5 – 12, 2013
December 5 – 12, 2013 Compiled by Tom Lake, Hudson River Estuary Program Naturalist OVERVIEW At this time of year, bird observations dominate the Almanac. Well-insulated and active, they stand out at backyard feeders and in the larger landscape. Among bird observations this week, the snowy owl irruption into the Northeast was again the major…

DEC Serious About Stripers: Over $600 Worth in Fish Found in Restaurant
Fisherman Faces Misdemeanor for Having Illegal Striped Bass Over $600 Worth in Fish Found in Restaurant A Babylon pizzeria owner was served misdemeanor charges Sunday after being caught by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Officers (ECOs) with 60 pounds of striped bass that he was alegedly illegally selling through his restaurant. Captain Timothy…

Hudson River Almanac October 8 – 14, 2013
Compiled by Tom Lake, Hudson River Estuary Program Naturalist OVERVIEW Our eleventh annual “Day in the Life of the Hudson River,” spanning the watershed, brought thousands of eager students to the estuary. HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK 10/11 – Crugers, HRM 39: A beautiful gray fox ran across the road today. At first I thought it…

Hudson River Almanac October 1 – 7, 2013
Compiled by Tom Lake, Hudson River Estuary Program Naturalist OVERVIEW After more than a week with no measurable precipitation, brackish water (about 10% sea water) began to creep above the Hudson Highlands. Would it bring brackish water animals with it? The first of our winter feeder birds made a showing this week as well. HIGHLIGHT…